123Lunatic - Yandere Chan vs Monika - Epic Pixel Battle #21 Лирицс транслатион то енглисх
Yandere Chan vs Monika - Epic Pixel Battle #21
Epic Pixel Battle!
I don't feel any emotions...
Except pity for this girl so neglected she's not even an option.
You're leading a litterature club?
Well now draft your last will 'cause in my plan I won't tolerate any crossing-out!
Don't expect the title of 'Yandere-chan' 'cause you're overrated.
You're boring me but let me take a pic' when I beat the pants out of you!
You're a coward, pushing your friends to suicide and then delete them!
I would have killed them by my own hands, without leaving any trace.
Let me correct your mistakes, let's start with your nickname,
Isn't a Yandere one that is remotely controlled.
I've got all the info, Chan'! Ayano of her true name.
This battle is but a joke, and so is the day you were born.
Why are YOU looking at her? She isn't even finished.
'The guy who wrote this battle must be quite the moron!'
Let me get out of your sight all of her indelicates features. (Wait! What?!)
And now all there is, is JUST MONIKA
-What is the meaning of all this?
-Is it me or did she call you stupid?
-Ha! I kinda agree with her.
-Uhhh, Sumashu did you stop the music?
-Uhh, no, I heven't touched anything!
So, This is 'Epic Pixel Battle'? Don't tell me that you like this?
It's loud, rude and badly animated, you deserve better!
I'm gonna write a poem just for you! But before that...
You're all hiding behind famous characters yet in the end you're only nobodies...
Any last words?
{Stan Dusk}:
Cutting off my music, now that takes some guts!
My name's Stan Dusk, composer, expect to be decomposed.
I'm just writing peacefully all those music sheets just like a poem
And there's more love inside of it, than you will ever get.
Okay, lemme Sumashu, you're gonna get remixed in the blender!
The bitch will tone it down, while I will lead in this dance!
I am Safe and Sound! Not of random bits.
I wish you luck if you try and detune us, I'll leave you to the two sisters...
But I'm scared... that for me her heart will go Doki Doki!
We're gonna crush this airhead with a crush for anybody!
You're just an easy girl, we already won this battle.
Do you know why? Because you are SO ALONE!!!
{Sainte Séïa}:
No one noticed you, so why do you keep going?
After I'm finished drawing you, I will delete you, embrace your destiny!
Too weak for a debate and so not interesting
(You just destroyed her!!) Easy! I am the mean one here!
I may not have the best pen but I can soar away with it!
You take this too seriously, We're only here to have fun.
In the end, you're just a program, I'll execute you whenever.
Monique is a real name, and Monika 'is a slut!'
Childish, but say, typical from youtubers!
Calling themselves artists but creating music every 3 months.
Geeks like you, I scare some everyday for fun,
Once I am done with the fourth wall, it's your dreams that I'll shatter!
Hidden in your tipeees, you're all begging for money.
Forced to include themself in this battle to feel like you exist.
Using the fan-service so it can be accepted
But this is only a rap for kids, let me just adapt it...
Hi there Mad! Oh... isn't your coloring beautiful!
'It's my big sis' drawing!' Seriously... How old are you?
And don't you laugh the two sound guys, replacements from this season.
Super-Sumashu-Buffon... And... What's your name again?
Then we have 123Lunatic, big pimp of this trickery.
Who has to explain his writting just because how bad it be.
All of you are proud of this? What a success story...
EPB is just a ripoff of the Epic Rap Battle of...
-There we go! She got shut down! Let's do this!
You've got no control here.
HA! Got nothing more to say?!
{Stan Dusk}:
With those eyes, green of jealousy...
You make me sick!
{Sainte Séïa}:
We'll have to explain to you how much you stand out here.
Together, it's time for the...
{Stan Dusk}:
You don't have the words to carry a weight against us.
Just give up!
You're just ridiculous, you easily fit in a USB key.
{Stan Dusk}:
{Sumashu & 123Lunatic}:
{Stan Dusk}:
You're less esteemed than you think.
If we had listened to them,
{123Lunatic, Stan Dusk, & Sumashu}:
Instead of you it would have been Sans!
{Sainte Séïa}:
I don't draw anybody, so be glad to play the extra.
Sharp as knives, our stylus will disfigure you!
{Sainte Séïa}:
You're playing at being a saint,
And a stalker
{Sainte Séïa & Madstalker}:
We're way ahead of you!
Your lyrics wouldn't mean a thing if I didn't write all your lines.
{Stan Dusk}:
All five of us are connected,
As your friends let us doubt about it.
{Sainte Séïa}:
Did you think about saving
Before killing them all?!
It's not up to you to deside how our story will continue.
Never forget that:
-Nicely done guys!
-For real, she really thought!
-Bye Bye, Monika!
Who deserves the victory?
Who will be the next ones?
Tell us in the comment section for the 4th season!!!
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Uništen dom
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Izazivam te da mi kažeš
Nemoj da upucaš svoju bebu
U lovu sam
Tatice, bolje bi joj bilo da beži
Hotelski računi
I prljave lanene posteljine
Rekla je da sluti
Ali ja sam rekla: 'Nema šanse, mamice, molim te'
Mlada i naivna
Mrzim kako nisam mogla da vidim
I sada imam truli
Gadni bes u sebi
Do srži
O bebo sad sam slomljena
Jer sam bila dobra devojka
Ali mislim da mi rastu rogovi
Zalupio si vrata
O, tata, upozoren si
Bolje bi ti bilo da se čuvaš, uhvatiću te sa
Tom prljavom malom kučkom
Izazivam te da mi kažeš
Nemoj da upucaš svoju bebu
U lovu sam
Tatice, bolje bi joj bilo da beži
Otišao si kad sam imala 15
Američki san
Se srušio
Pogledaj čiji dom je sada uništen?
Ostavio si trag
Zauvek mi ostavio ožiljke na srcu
Beznadežno sam odana
Da ne volim u mraku
Pokušaću da promenim
Šablone i načine
Ali za sad ne mogu da podnesem
Da je vidim kako živi još jedan dan
Izazivam te da mi kažeš
Nemoj da upucaš svoju bebu
U lovu sam
Tatice, bolje bi joj bilo da beži
Otišao si kad sam imala 15
Američki san
Se srušio
Pogledaj čiji dom je sada uništen?
Izazivam te da mi kažeš
Nemoj da upucaš svoju bebu
Američki san
Otišao si kada sam imala 15
Izazivam te da mi kažeš
Nemoj da upucaš svoju bebu
U lovu sam
Tatice, bolje bi joj bilo da beži
Otišao si kad sam imala 15
Američki san
Se srušio
Pogledaj čiji dom je sada uništen?
Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Da, da
Da, da
Bebo, ne zovi me
Previše sam zauzeta zaboravljanjem svega lošeg što si mi učinio
Već sam odlučila da se večeras izlazi
Sa svim mojim motomama, sa svim mojim devojkama
I van sebe sam, osvetoljubiva i ogorčena
Izašla sam sa novim flowom koji ga zbunjuje (?)
Pomeram ga sa strane na stranu i strane na stranu
Danas izlazim sa svojom disko bebom kao kraljica
I van sebe sam. osvetoljubiva i ogorčena
Neka me Bog oslobodi od mogućnosti da se ikada vratim na tvoju stranu
Pomeram ga sa strane na stranu i strane na stranu
Danas izlazim sa svojom disko bebom kao kraljica
Idem da nosim suknju, obruče i lance
Pinja Kolada (da), nije mi žao (ah ne)
Sa Fefom sam, ona je šef (da)
Ona to pleše (e), ona me uči (e)
Danas ne radim (u), preplanula sam
Jebeš slavu (e), jebeš posao (haha)
Noć je duga (e), noć je dobra (e)
Samo jedan nasilni mambo i kraj problema
Vidi kako je lako, reći ću ti
A, B, C, je'n, dva, tri
Vidi kako je lako, reći ću ti
Ova motomami više nije za tebe
Vidi kako je lako, reći ću ti
A, B, C, je'n, dva, tri
Vidi kako je to lako, reći ću ti
Ova motomami—
I van sebe sam, osvetoljubiva i ogorčena
Izašla sam sa novim flowom koji ga zbunjuje (?)
Pomeram ga sa strane na stranu i strane na stranu
Danas izlazim sa svojom disko bebom kao kraljica
I van sebe sam. osvetoljubiva i ogorčena
Neka me Bog oslobodi od mogućnosti da se ikada vratim na tvoju stranu
Pomeram ga sa strane na stranu i strane na stranu
Danas izlazim sa svojom disko bebom kao kraljica
Mmm, idem na 180 jer sam trkačica
Šta, šta?
Skrenuo si pažnju i već sam te prešla sa tvoje deste strane
Mmm, idem na 180 jer sam trkačica
Šta, šta?
Skrenuo si pažnju i već sam te prešla sa tvoje deste strane
Mmm, mmm, mmm
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Chris Jedi
Gabi, Gabi, Gabi
Od Barselone do Santo Dominga
ROZALIJA, mmm, haha, he
U, u, u, u
Ej, ej, ej
U, u, u, u, u
Is everything really fine as is?…
[Stanza omitted in this performance]
The world is washed by the rain, dried by the sun…
In this world, everyone knows:
If you can hear - then you must listen!
If you have a voice - then you must sing!
I did not go looking for a forbidden treasure.
Life threw me a nickel - on that nickel I lived.
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
No abode, no yard… no cherry orchard…
Home and family to us - a tavern, everlasting
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
From the latest war, my rewards are prostheses.
They say we died for nothing in the crucible of war.
I do not need anything... need not be anywhere!
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
Even if we are docile, like an obedient herd,
And even if dogs cannot stomach our food.
We do not need anything! We need not go anywhere.
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
Even though at times, we aren’t even glad to be living,
Even if the neighbor lives for a quarter a month.
She needs nothing, she needs not to go anywhere!
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
And it seems to me that beyond the grave’s veil,
Chuckling in the coffin, I will say: 'What a nut!
I don't need anything... need not go anywhere...
Everything is fine as is. Everything is fine as is.
And when, finally, we’ll tire of humiliation,
Get tired of handouts, tired of fights -
Maybe then we will ask ourselves:
Is everything really fine as is? Is everything really fine as is?!
The Mariner
The Mariner, The Mariner
Has gone around the Earth
From Portugal to Peru
From Brazil down to England
The Mariner, The Mariner
Went on an adventure
On the Atlantic Ocean
He lived like a corsair
Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!
The Mariner, The Mariner
Arrives from the ends of the world
With magnificent silks
For brunette girls and blonde ones
The Mariner, The Mariner
Had left without wealth
He returns on a three-mast ship
Filled with gold and jewels
Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!
The Mariner, The Mariner
Loves the strong wind in the sails
The scorching sun of Africa
And the Northern Lights as well
The Mariner, The Mariner
Is a child of Bohemia
He doesn't know how to say thank you
But knows too well how to say I love you
Gentlemen, gentlemen
The Mariner is back
Ladies, ladies
They say it's for love
Ola Olé, The Mariner is in town
Olé Ola, be careful with your daughters!
Ola Olé, The Mariner is back
Olé Ola, they say it's for love